ITBS is one of the most common lateral knee injuries which commonly occur for most runners and cyclists. The Iliotibial band is a connective tissue that runs all the way down from the side of the hips to the lateral part of the knees.
As the ITB approaches the knee, its shape thickens as it crosses an area of the thigh (femur) bone, called the patella and lateral femoral condyle. Another area of insertion will be near the pelvis as it attaches to the two important hip muscles – the tensor fascia latae (TFL) and the gluteus maximus.
What are the CAUSES of ITBS?
ITBS is an inflammation that occurs when there is friction between the ITB and underlying structures such as the patella, lateral femoral condyle, tensor fascia latae (TFL), and the gluteus maximus in instances where an individual moves through repetitive straightening and bending movements of the knee such as in running and cycling.
These activities result in tight hip muscles, and these tight muscles pull on the ITB, and if the ITB is unable to adapt, it will then lead to an increase in the amount of friction between these 2 layers.
What are the SIGNS & SYMPTOMS of ITBS?
- A stabbing pain along the outer side of the knee, especially after regular exercise such as a run
- A sensation of “snapping” on the outer part of the knee as it bends and straightens
- Swelling near the outer side of the knee
- Frequent tightness and pain at the outer side of the hip
In summary, to bring relief to the ITBS, there should be stretching and strengthening of the ITB, together with the underlying hip muscles.
And NOW, let us present to you our 5 YOGA MOVES, done 15 mins/ day for the next 7 days, and we PROMISE the PAIN will be GREATLY MINIMISED.
MOVE #1 (Cross-leg Standing Forward Bend)
In a standing position, bring the right leg over the left leg so that the knees overlap. Once you stand stable, lift both your arms up on inhalation and as you exhale, reach your arms out and slowly bend forward. Try to reach the hands down to the shins and slowly try to walk the hands further down. Hold the pose for 10 counts. Inhale and exhale and release the pose. Repeat with the left leg over the right.
MOVE #2 (Sumo Squat)
Stand with the feet hips distance apart and both feet parallel to each other. Inhale and exhale, bend the knees slightly while pushing the hips to the back and sliding the hands down to grab the shins/ankles. Engage the core muscles gently while holding the pose for about 10 counts. Inhale and exhale to release.
MOVE #3 (On Fours, Side Leg Raisers)
Come down on the fours, with palms at shoulder width apart and knees at hips distance apart. With the knees stacked below the hips, take a deep inhale, and as you exhale, lift the right leg sideways and with the next inhale, drop the leg back to the mat. Repeat 5 lifts on the right leg and repeat on the left.
MOVE #4 (Shoe-Lace Stretch)
Cross the right leg over the left (for beginners – photo on the left) or go deeper by stacking the right knee above the left and closing the gaps between both knees (photo on the right). Hold this stretch for 10 counts and repeat with the left leg over the right.
MOVE #5 (Lying on the Side, Leg Lift)
Lie on the right side with the right forearm on the mat, supporting the upper body. Slightly bend the right knee and stretch the left leg out with the left hips stacked on top of the right. With an inhale, lift the legs up (photo on the right) and with an exhalation, bring the legs down (photo on the left)
Sharing a REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCE of our student
Evelyn, 48 started running in her late thirties, and recently, at the beginning of this year, she enrolled in distance running training. After a few months into the training, she started to develop knee pain on the side of the knees, and swelling was observed around the kneecap. It starts hurting with every step, and the pain and swelling did not go away, even after she stops and stretches.
Evelyn decided to stop running and decided to join a Yoga class to stretch and strengthen herself. After regularly attending classes for 2 months, the frequency of the pain started to reduce, and the swelling eventually subsided. Under the guidance of her Yoga Teacher (therapist), Evelyn regularly performs these poses at home as a part of her daily exercise routine to enhance her improvement.
And today, with minimal discomfort, she looks forward to completing her distance running training with the incorporation of the Yoga poses into her warming-up and cooling-down sequence. Cheers, Evelyn!
We understand that whenever there is pain or discomfort, the last thing we want to do is to move for the worry of causing more pain, it was the same in the case of Evelyn.
However, the lower body stretching and strengthening yoga moves are often what you need to feel better, so do not be afraid to give it a try. With mindful breathing and core engagement efforts, YOU can safely improve your mobility and strength while stretching out these tight hips and ITB.
GO ON and try these 5 YOGA MOVES for 7 CONSECUTIVE DAYS and feel free to share your experience with US! Tag us in a Facebook/ Instagram post or share this article with more friends and family who are going through similar pain.
We look forward to walking alongside you as you gradually resume the routines of your life WITHOUT ANY PAIN OR discomfort!