3 Reasons Why You Should Pick Up Yoga

Just like spin classes, yoga is an exercise known to many. The only difference is that few take time out of their schedule to experience yoga firsthand because it is less dynamic and therefore seems less beneficial. But the fact of the matter is just the opposite.
Hailing from India, yoga is an exercise that incorporates slow movements, breathing techniques, meditation, and endurance. It forces you to leave behind all your stress and worries, encouraging you to connect the mind with the body.
Here are 3 reasons why you should pick up yoga and attempt to understand your body a little bit better.
1) Improves flexibility
One of the most obvious benefits of yoga is, of course, flexibility. Living in Singapore, most of us are deskbound more than half of the day. This will significantly mar our flexibility, and result in stiff, aching joints and poor posture. Practicing yoga regularly loosens facia (a thick connective tissue that surrounds the muscle tissue) and will ease flexible and can help prevent injuries from falls.
Yoga is also extremely beneficial for bodybuilders as it aids muscle recovery. Consistently lifting heavy weights will result in tightening of muscles and the production of muscle knots. Frequent yoga, on the other hand, prevents muscle knots from forming and will even result in improved weightlifting performance over time.
2) Improves health
Breathing techniques are the most critical part of any yoga practice, and these breathing techniques are also the best way to improve lung functions. It keeps your mind connected with your body and focuses on the effective use of oxygen through fewer breaths of greater volume.
People with digestive problems can also reap the benefits of yoga since bodily movements are known to facilitate and increase the rate of transportation of food and waste through the body. There are specific postures that are known to expel gas trapped in the intestine, and many yogis believe that the twisting postures help with digestion. Of course, practicing yoga right after a meal is not ideal. But if you feel any stomach discomfort a few hours after eating, its time to whip out your yoga mat!
3) Relieves stress
Stress is known to be the root of countless physical and mental health problems such as insomnia, high blood pressure and heart attack. When you are stressed, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode, resulting in decisions that most definitely are not the best ones you can make.
By emphasizing relaxation, slowing of the mind, and achieving inner peace, yoga aims to leave you feeling less tense than you were before you stepped into class. It encourages you to let go of the incessant loop of negative emotions and simply, breathe. With this rejuvenated body, soul and mind, you can now better face the endless hurdles of life, whatever it may be.
Now that you are better educated on the benefits of yoga, join our Ohmsantih family and be on the road to attaining inner peace and health.